We Mixed 60 EYESHADOWS Together And Discovered A Crazy Secret from URBAN DECAY!!! DIY Makeup "Hacks" ─ Cute Life Hacks

♥ SUBSCRIBE to my 2nd DIY channel MAQAROON! ♥ https://www.youtube.com/maqaroon
♥ NEW!! OUR WEDDING VIDEO! ♥ https://youtu.be/YMr9ggBjhBM
So Lisa and I decided to mix together all the Urban Decay Naked Palettes just to see what happens, and it turned out far more interesting than expected ;D! I've been using Naked palettes ever since they blew up on YouTube 5-6 years ago, way before I started any of my channels. These are pricey but I find the colours last much longer than drugstore brands (esp. in combination with the Urban Decay Primer Potion). Eyeshadow is a big issue for me since I have asian hooded eyelids and the pigment gets rubbed off more easily. So in all of my videos where you see my face, I'm always wearing Naked 1 or Naked Smoky. We managed to get Naked Heat which JUST came out for this video so it wasn't easy destroying that :P. The broken shadows still work perfectly fine, and Lisa also plans to create some make-up tutorials for the mixed-up shades.

This video is NOT sponsored by UD and these are not affiliate links below!

♥ Shopping Links USA ♥
Urban Decay NAKED: https://goo.gl/Tp7BYq
Urban Decay NAKED 2: https://goo.gl/BgpcVw
Urban Decay NAKED 3: https://goo.gl/odRzqo
Urban Decay NAKED Smoky: https://goo.gl/SNjJKq
Urban Decay NAKED Heat: https://goo.gl/6DH6Rz

♥ Shopping Links Austria / EU / World* ♥
Urban Decay NAKED: https://goo.gl/hA7xNP
Urban Decay NAKED 2: https://goo.gl/HKdr7g
Urban Decay NAKED 3: https://goo.gl/9HuFpK
Urban Decay NAKED Smoky: https://goo.gl/1kifF9
Urban Decay NAKED Heat: https://goo.gl/vtVZ9n
*Just Google Urban Decay and you should get your local shop based on IP address!

♥ More Makeup DIY Tutorials ♥
24K Gold Lip Balm: https://youtu.be/_TkbfyReBRE
DIY Anti-Anxiety Crystal Lip Gloss: https://youtu.be/xP9QrH7wu4g
5 Cute Lip DIYs: https://youtu.be/NtN7yRocins
DIY Nutella EOS Lip Balm: https://youtu.be/C91wjI6tzNo
DIY Pusheen EOS Lip Balm: https://youtu.be/zeaRAOoRKSk
DIY Koala EOS Lip Balm: https://youtu.be/sQYknbHpM8o

♥ Cute Life Hacks DE ♥ http://www.youtube.com/cutelifehacksde
♥ 60 Urban Decay Naked Palette Mixing (German) ♥ https://youtu.be/Ep_AfjSbPbQ
♥ Lisa's Channel MeineVersion! (German) ♥ https://www.youtube.com/meineversion
We're running a giveaway on the German channel to win ALL 5 Naked Palettes (brand new of course)!! Please note it's only open to Austria, German and Switzerland due to shipping and customs. Ends August 31st 2017.

♥ Snapchat Username ♥ @maqaroon
♥ Instagram ♥ http://instagram.com/maqaroon
♥ Cute Life Hacks Channel ♥ http://www.youtube.com/cutelifehacks
♥ My Hamster Channel ♥ http://www.youtube.com/fluffieland
♥ Facebook ♥ http://www.facebook.com/maqaroon
♥ Twitter ♥ http://twitter.com/Maqaroon
♥ Tumblr ♥ http://maqaroon.tumblr.com/

(c) Joanna Zhou 2017
Contains Music from Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
This video is not sponsored
Does not contain affiliate links

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