There are way too many great hacks I wanna share with you today!
Ever tried to walk on grass in high heels? I did and it was awful! Until I came up with a genius glue gun cap solution! You should definitely give it a try?

It's summer already and if you're still not ready for it, it's high time to upgrade your painting skills! Grab your makeup bag, I'll show you what to do!

You know that time when you've just painted your nails and then you can barely touch your cup or door handle and can't take your clothes off, 'cause you're afraid to spoil your amazing new manicure? But in the end you somehow still mess it up accidentally! Have you ever come across this nasty problem?

Then I've got simply wonderful solution. All you have to do is pour some cold water and add ice cubes in it, then rest your fingers there for one minute only! Now your nails are completely safe!

You'll also find out effective way to remove blackheads and make edible lip balm!
There's so much great stuff, stay tuned and don't miss out on anything! ;)


1:24 Get rid of the dark circles
2:08 Hot glue heels
3:57 Fake abs
7:02 Colorful strands
11:25 Underwear folding

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