I love summertime and who really doesn't? To make this time even more comfortable and fun for you, I've prepared some cool beach hacks. Check it out!

I'll show you how to make a top from panties and tie pashmina in a beautiful way!

I'm gonna show you perfectly comfortable, affordable and easy ways to deal with sweat and sweat stains. Sometimes all you need is a couple of hygienic pads to save the day. I'll show you how to wear deep plunge dress to avoid embarrassing moments and enjoy your evening or cocktail party to the fullest!

Then we'll try out a number of hot summer hacks! Tin can BBQ grill, binder clip razor protector, corn chips firestarter, lip balm money holder, frozen joghurt pops, beer box cooler, carabiner flip flop hack, ziplock bag smartphone case, muffin tin for condiments you name it.

There are also many cool hacks with pool noodle I wanna share with you! You can make nice swimming container for your snacks and beverages. Awesome handmade floaties! I'll show you how to make incredibly stylish beach bag from plastic bottles and open your soda bottle with bicycle pedal!

I hope you'll enjoy these summer hacks as much as I did! Don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel for more videos like this!


0:36 Awesome swimsuit
3:43 Floties for life
6:53 How to keep it clean
9:41 Beach bag

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