Here are some weird yet pretty helpful hacks you have to try!I'll show you how to make your own pair of home shoes using only cardboard and glue gun, make toy guitar for your kids or siblings, game wheel, cool bookshelf from shoebox, invent your own secret hiding place behind the books, smartphone projector, phone speakers and cardboard photo frames.Let's get going!

Many of these hacks will make you say 'Why did't I think of that?!'
They're so simple and effective.
How to carefully take out a piece of an egg shell from a bowl, hold several plastic bags together without hurting your arm, keep cables neatly with the help of hair clips and many more!

I wanna show you how to use toothpicks to your benefit. You can make awesome ornament for your manicure, fill up holes in the wood, check if it's time to water the flowers. You can also use it as a scotch tape measure as well.

There are great ways to use the clothespins unexpectedly. I will show you how to make awesome phone holder, stylish teapot coaster, clothes hangers, make cool magnets for your fridge or even a mini table football game!

And how handy a rubber band is! You can keep photos in a picture frame from slipping, keep lids closed, stick your phone to the dashboard in your car. You can use it to measure detergent portions neatly and to zip up your jeans.


1:06 Glue gun socks
6:28 Everything gets better with mosaic
11:20 Awesome nail polish crafts

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