Eggs are easy to cook! They're cheap. I'm pretty sure you have them in the fridge right now.

But how to make sure each time you cook eggs you can create a little masterpiece?!
These egg hacks will surely help you with that!

Some people put the eggs in cold water others put water to boiling then drop in the egg.
Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. The difference is in how fast you heat up the egg.
Starting with cold water, lets you heat the egg more slowly, which keeps the whites from getting rubbery. This method takes longer and gives you less control over the cooking time. Besides the egg will be harder to peel.

In boiling water, the egg heats up really fast, making it much easier to control cooking time. But this method has a certain disadvantage. Because the egg heats up so fast the shell can crack.

And how to get that perfectly peeled egg each time?!
Place your eggs in boiling water and cook for a certain amount of time. Then place your eggs into an ice bath and leave them there for about 10 - 15 minutes. After that peeling the egg is very easy.
Just tap it at the table, roll it a few times and the shell will go off by itself. Perfect!

How long should you cook the eggs? If you cook the eggs in the already boiling water you will always be able to control the result, you'll see in the video how the yolk looks like depending on the cooking time! ;)

I'll show you how to make colorful omelette, dye eggs in natural ingredients: beetroot, onion skins, turmeric and purple cabbage.
Make quick and delicious pancakes, pencil sharpener, earphones case or toothbrush case out of Kinder egg, color palette out of egg tray for painting and many more awesome ideas!Hurry up and give it a try!

Check out cool tips how to make candles. Suck out the yolk and white with balloon then fill it up with paraffin. You can even grow grass in the eggshels!


0:22 How to cook perfect eggs
3:50 Cleaning frying pan
4:48 Fertilizer
7:04 Crazy egg tricks
14:34 Pancakes recipes

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