You can get fun, bright, and fabulous phone cases at countless stores in the mall or online! The fancier they are, however, the more they cost. What's the point of paying high prices for decked out cases when you could make even nicer ones at home for less?

You'll need:

– clear iPhone or any other phone
– nail polish

1. Alternating colors, paint equal-sized dots the size of a thumbtack on the phone case.

2. Repeat until most of the phone is covered, then let dry. That's it!
We thought we'd take a stab at decorating the case with nail polish. Since it can be hard to control the nail polish brush, we stuck with a simple dot pattern.

Alternating colors, paint dots the size of a thumbtack on the phone case.

Once you finish, let the nail polish dry — give it a good 30 minutes.

It kinda looks like candy buttons on paper tape, huh? Now you have a new way to utilize all that extra-old nail polish at the bottom of your drawer.

Don't forget to check out the Space design in the video!


0:27 Space nail polish
1:57 Bath hooks
3:18 Tie you smartphone
6:37 It's seashore time

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