Making perfect bacon is easier than you might think. I used to forgo making bacon because the gigantic mess it made just wasn't worth the amazing taste. A few years ago I learned about baking bacon and it has changed my life forever!

Why should you bake your bacon?

Baked bacon does not curl – you get nice straight bacon pieces every time.
Cooks evenly – no white fatty pieces on one end and burnt bacon on the other.
No splattering of bacon grease all over the place.
No need to babysit the bacon. You don't even have to turn it over!
Tastes delicious!

What you will need to bake bacon:

Shallow baking sheet
Foil (heavy-duty preferable)
Metal cooling rack (optional)
Non-stick cooking spray (optional)
Paper towels

- Line the baking sheet with foil. (You will want to use a baking sheet that has enough of a rim that it contains the bacon drippings.)

- If using a metal cooling rack, spray the rack with non-stick cooking spray, and place the rack inside the baking sheet.

- Place the bacon slices in a single layer either directly on the foil or on a rack. Make sure not to overlap slices.
- Turn the oven on and set to 400 degrees. Do not wait for the oven to preheat. Go ahead and place the pan in the oven.
- Cook the bacon for 12-17 minutes. Cooking time depends on the thickness of your bacon, and how long it takes for your oven to come to temperature. Start checking your bacon around 10 minutes to ensure your bacon doesn't burn. (Nothing worse than burnt bacon!)
- When the bacon is golden brown, the bacon is done.
- Once the bacon has reached your desired level of crispiness, remove immediately and place on paper towels to soak up the bacon grease.

Another great idea! I hate squeezing oranges but I love fresh squeezed orange juice. So, if you don't have a juicer, this one costs you nothing but a couple of soda or water bottles!

You'll just have to try this to see how easy and convenient it is! I couldn't wait to see how it worked, so I tried it right away and it works like a charm! My kids were so fascinated that you could do this. As a result, I'm buying a lot more oranges! : )


0:36 Let's bake some bacon!
2:23 How to store an apple
4:36 Cookie decor idea
9:42 Sausage star breakfast
14:08 Awesome juicer

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