18 FUN CHRISTMAS DIY IDEAS ─ 5-Minute Crafts


If you are looking for ideas on how to decorate your we are ready to help! Christmas is a wonderful time of a year and everybody want to be full of Christmas spirit. You can watch classic Christmas movies, read Christmas themed but the most important thing is to decorate your house. Here is a whole collection of magical Christmas projects that will make your room as festive as possible.
Create a Snowman decoration that is really easy to make. You will need 3 glass bowls of different sizes.
Fill the largest one with polystyrene and decorate with Christmas ornaments, tree, Christmas presents, electric candle or everything you like. Do the same thing with the second smaller layer. Then fill the third layer with different sweets you like: candies, chocolate, lollipops. Finally, make a cute hat from color paper and place in the top of the snowman. This project will be a cute decoration of your Christmas table that your kids will totally love.
Another cheap and fast idea is to make a plastic spoon Christmas tree. This ingenious idea doesn't require much effort and skills. Cut the heads off all the spoons, color them and glue plastic spoons to the cardboard tree form. Voila! You will an easy way how to creatively wrap money gifts.
Recycling is a way to help the environment. Now you can make your DIY recycled Christmas tree out of plastic bottles.
Check out lovely Santa ornaments using threads, felt, and even plastic spoons! Another awesome party idea is decorating plastic cups with Santa belts. Make sure that you use red cups for the party.
These Christmas party ideas will make your party absolutely incredible! Our craft projects won't take a lot of time and require a minimum amount of supplies.

00:09 Plastic spoon Christmas tree
01:14 Reuse plastic bottles
03:10 A cool Santa ornament
04:09 Christmas game
06:36 Snowman decoration

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