28 FANTASTIC FOOD HACKS ─ 5-Minute Crafts

Today we share a compilation of funny kitchen moments that are familiar to everyone. Do you love cakes so much that sometimes don’t want to share with anyone? Just cut a small piece for your friend and eat the rest by yourself.
If you borrow a chocolate bar from your brother or sister without asking, leave the note “Sorry! Hunger made me to do it!’’. This will be a funny way to excuse.
Anyone hates to share the food especially when you can order anything in restaurant. Girls, do you eat your boyfriend’s food?) Sharing is caring? 😉
Do you love ice cream? Check out our video and make black ice cream at home? Sounds interesting? The main idea is to use charcoal! It’s super popular trend now to use charcoal while cooking and for many other things like detox and masks! Mix heavy cream, sugar and activated charcoal in a large bowl. Beat the mixture and add dry rice, mix again. Enjoy!
The next recipe will totally surprise you! Vegan caviar! Don’t you believe us? Here is a brilliant recipe that will amaze your family and friends. Firstly, pour water into the pan, add sriracha and agar-agar and mix these ingredients. Take a tall glass and fill with vegetable oil and put into the fridge. Simmer agar-agar and sriracha for two minutes. Once the vegetable oil is cold, take a syringe and squeeze out small drops of the hot mixture into the cold oil. You will see bead shapes appearing that will sink to the bottom of the glass. To separate the oil from pearls wash them with some water. You may decorate with this vegan caviar any dish and even cakes!
As a bonus, we share with you a trick to surprise your friends: put strawberry into bleach to remove the color. Now you can prank your friends using a white strawberry. But don’t eat these strawberries!

00:09 Funny eating habits
04:03 Homemade black ice cream
04:49 White strawberry
05:27 Vegan caviar recipe
13:41 Pop tab hack
14:43 Smart way to eat Pringles

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