Check out a selection of best photography tricks! No need to buy an expensive camera or use photoshop! Most of Instagram photos are really boring and we share ways to make them special. In our video, you will find the best composition techniques for taking amazing photos that will make you an Instagram star!
Let's go through astonishingly simple photo secrets that we are ready to share with you:
- Levitation photos are very popular nowadays and you can make them easily. Watch the tutorial in our video
- If you are a long-haired girl, you can make an awesome photo with flowers. Ask your friend to help you and you will have more followers for sure!
- Use a picture frame with glass and make romantic rainy photos. Simply stand behind the frame and ask your friend to splash water on the glass and take a perfect shot!
- Photographing jumping people has been a trend in photography recently, and we want to share a few tips with you on how to take jumping photographs more interesting and attractive
- Check out change "location" photo trick that is perfect for travelers! You followers will totally love your traveling blog!
- Turn an old shoebox into a smartphone projector. You will need a magnifying glass, shoe box, and binder clip
- Find out how to make your photos much better using DIY filters, portrait softener using pantyhose and reflector using a white sheet.
- We have a fun idea of how to make splash photos really cool! Learn the secrets behind one of the most popular images and don't forget to find a cute cup!

We know how to take perfect shots with minimum efforts!

00:26 Levitation photo trick
00:42 Photo trick to increase Instagram followers
02:20 Photo prank
02:37 Perfect photo trick for travel blogs
03:48 Phone case ideas
10:46 Homemade smartphone projector

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