Check out a collection of ideas for a girl that will help you to avoid embarrassing situations with makeup and clothing!
Leggings are one of the most confusing clothing ever as they cause a lot of problems every woman understands. The most annoying one is camel toe that looks embarrassing! Always use sanitary pads while wearing leggings. One more and also terrible problem is that you always should buy high-waisted leggings, otherwise, you're going to have a muffin top. It doesn't matter how thin you are, but you can cut the top of old pantyhose and the problem will be solved.
Another lifehack is for the situation when you wear your favorite high boots but they slide down and it spoils the whole look and day! We share a perfect tip for this situation - use two-sided sticky tape to prevent boots from sliding down. One more awkward situation may appear when the wind is blowing and blowing up your skirt. It's better not to wear a floaty skirt on a windy day or you can do the next – attach coins to the skirt.
If you love ponytails and ordinary hats are the problem for you, cut the top of the hat and watch our full tutorial what to do! When it's hot outside sweat stains may appear suddenly and they look not so good. There is a solution – attach a sanitary pad to the bra or t-shirt to avoid this problem.
Red lipstick makes us look glamorous but it's really hard to keep your lipstick from smudging. Your red lipstick will never embarrass you during dinner if you try our recipe - mix some peel-off mask with red food coloring. Apply the mixture on your lips using a lip brush. Let dry and remove. Now you have perfect red lips!

00:40 Curvy hips for thin girls
01:44 Shoe hack for girls
06:36 Brilliant eyebrow hack
08:06 Ring with a lip gloss inside
08:48 Get rid of muffin top

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