Do you usually spend a lot of time in the kitchen? Preparing meals usually take a lot of time but the important thing is that the enjoyment you get from food should be worth the time it takes to prepare food. Otherwise, it's a useless waste of time. We want to help you to speed up the process of cooking. Moreover, if you are preparing for some special occasion and need to prepare some beautiful dishes or to serve you will like the cutting and carving techniques in this video. No need to spend hours to make a beautiful dinner, our ideas won't require much time and effort. You will learn the best ways to cut cucumbers – to make cucumber hearts or snowman, how to make apple butterflies and crabs to decorate fruit salad, the quickest way to slice avocado, how to carve onions and make a lotus. Try a genius way to cut a pomegranate. Cut the top in a circle shape. Take it out and then you'll see the lines where you need to cut in order to take off the seeds properly. Have you ever seen square oranges? Check out how to make them by your own hands and amaze your friends! Watermelon is for sure one of the most delicious fruits and you will find the easiest way to cut it and get rid of seeds. Moreover, you will find the easiest way to cut the watermelon if you forgot the knife at home – use dental floss. Hull cherries using a drinking straw. Add chocolate and you may enjoy the easy and delicious recipe. The quickest way to peel an orange is to roll it before.
Share with us your best kitchen tips!

00:09 The art of vegetable carving
02:08 Apple butterfly
08:37 How to serve a watermelon
06:48 An easy way to cut a pomegranate

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