Check out incredible lifehacks and crafts you can make using salt. You can grow crystals at home using salt and food coloring. Sprinkle some salt on the pan with oil before frying the chicken to keep the oil from splattering. We share the quickest way to clean makeup sponge - take a bowl with water, 1 tbsp. of salt and place a sponge inside. Microwave for 2 minutes. Cut a lemon in half and cover with salt it will help you to get rid of bad odors in your fridge. You can easily clean the iron using a salt – Cover the cutting board with parchment paper, pour salt on paper and iron. Clean your French press from coffee stains using ice cubes, 1 tbsp. and water inside and shake. If you dropped an egg on the floor it may lead to a sticky mess. There is an easy solution – sprinkle salt on a broken egg. Wait a bit and easily clean. Check out a cheap way to whiten teeth – mix salt with apple vinegar and clean teeth using a toothbrush. What to do with clogged sink? Use salt and pour boiling water. Check out the full tutorial!
We love eating steaks but eating steaks I restaurants may ruin your budget. We have cool tips how to cook the best steak at home without special tools like grill. You may say that these ways to cook steak are rather crazy but you will be satisfied with the result. The easiest way to cook steak we share is with the use of the iron. Take a piece of foil to add some oil, put a steak and wrap. Next, place a hot iron on it for 5 minutes from every side. Ready! One more crazy way to cook a steak is to insert it into the toaster. Enjoy!

00:09 Surprising lifehacks with salt
03:31 Whiten teeth using salt
05:02 Use salt to clean a French press
05:17 Crazy ways to use aluminum foil
13:11 Quick way to clean silver
20:42 Crazy ways to use zip ties

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