It's a very difficult task to stay calm in an extreme situation. Did you know that stress could damage your brain? We are so used to stress that thinks that it's normal to be stressed out every single day. We share some important tips to reduce the stress level and cope with extreme situations. Do you know the quickest way to reduce stress level without pills? Suck your thumb in times of crisis or stress. This habit comes from childhood and works perfectly.
Every girl should learn self-defense techniques to get rid of a nervous feeling when walking alone at night. We prepared a helpful compilation of self-defense techniques. You should know the vulnerable point: eyes, nose, throat, chest, knees, and groin because they are the most vulnerable. You should punch the attack in these points to paralyze the attacker and you will have just enough time to escape. Watch our video carefully as we collected the most effective moves to escape from the attack.
Check out handy lifehacks for any problem: turn a trash bag into a raincoat; make home slippers out of a cardboard box; turn a plastic bag into emergency diaper; make a face mask out of tissues; make a bowl for noodles from a paper plate and plastic forks. Pay your attention to medical lifehacks: cure bruises using a hard-boiled egg; remove a splinter using a burning match; banana peel to cure mosquito bites; mix cloves and olive oil to cure toothache.
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00:09 Tips to relieve stress
00:44 DIY raincoat
03:11 Cardboard slippers
05:42 Self-defense lessons

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