Have you ever tried to dye your hair with beet? Yes, it sounds crazy but it’s a natural way to color your hair. Of course, if you dream about pink color 😊 Mix bet juice with olive oil and apply on your hair using a spray. Wait for 1 hour. You gonna love the result! Check out an easy way to make brow paint at home. If you have some scars that you want to get rid of, try out natural treatment. Mix honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon juice. Apply the mixture for a few minutes and repeat for 2 months. Try to make a lip gloss at home from natural ingredients. Mix old eyeshadows with glycerol and stir, add castor oil.
Sheet masks are incredibly popular now and we have a very simple recipe. Soak a paper towel in aloe gel and apply. This mask has a moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. One more sheet mask you can try is made with the use of spring roll paper. Mix warm chamomile tea with honey and soak spring roll paper in it. Apply the paper on your face as a usual sheet mask. You will save a lot of money with our homemade sheet masks. Do you need a natural scrub? Mix honey with oatmeal and use as a natural scrub for your face.
In addition, we share a collection of quick homemade remedies that really work. Make cough drops at come: mix ginger, water, sugar honey, lemon juice, clove in a pan and boil. If you have flu you should try the next recipe: mix flour, honey, and coconut oil apply the mixture in the chest, cover with plastic wrap and wear a scarf. Leave for one hour.

00:15 Natural hair dye
05:01 Beauty recipes with aloe vera
09:34 Homemade sheet mask
13:22 Peel-off mask
23:10 Homemade cough drops

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