If you prefer healthy food, this video is for you! You will learn how to make various dishes from eggs that you can eat not only for breakfast. You won't spend a lot of time preparing these dishes. You can cook a puffy omelet in a slow cooker, don't forget to add carbonated water! You can cook tiny omelets in a ladle to make cute rolls. You can make adorable egg decoration for kids using a drinking straw. Watch the tutorial! Remove tiny eggshells with a piece of eggshell. The next time you crack an egg and there's a tiny piece of shell at the bottom, remove it quickly and efficiently with a bigger piece of the eggshell. If you want to prepare something special try to make quick egg rolls that are very delicious and look cool. Moreover, you can fill rolls with your favorite stuffing. One more cool idea is an egg sandwich. You can cake this sandwich to school or to work or even make party appetizers. Take a plastic bag and mix eggs, mustard, and spices in it. Make a cut on the plastic bag to squeeze the mixture on bread slice. If you try to lose some weight, we have a perfect fat-free breakfast idea for you. Mix all the ingredients for the omelet in a plastic bag and boil.
We have a super delicious recipe that you can cook to amaze your friends - egg balls wrapped in bacon. Firstly, prepare the rice and wrap an egg in rice using a plastic bag. After that take bacon slices and wrap the balls and fry. Surprise your family with this cool breakfast idea - black fried eggs! Separate whites and add olives to whites, mix them together with a mixer. Pour the black mixture on the pan and add yolks on the top.
00:11 Omelet in the slow cooker
04:36 Delicious egg roll
06:01 Egg sandwich recipe
07:24 Freeze eggs
13:40 Black fried eggs
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25 CLEVER EGG HACKS ─ 5-Minute Crafts
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