We share a lot of incredible ideas and unexpected uses of such ordinary items as socks, rubber bands, tennis balls. Moreover, you will learn various handy tips on how to ease your life and solve small problems around the home. If you don't know what to do with a lonely sock, this video is for you! Make an adorable sleeve for your mug to keep coffee warm and to protect hands from burning. Besides, such sleeves look adorable. Another crazy idea is to reuse socks to curl your hair. Watch the tutorial. Make a draft stopper out of old socks. To keep your room warm, make a draft stopper and place under doorways if there is a gap. Fill socks with lentils, rice or any stuffing and connect few socks together using a hot glue gun. Socks are a rather boring gift but really helpful. Still, you can watch our tutorial on how to make roses out of socks and create a whole bouquet. A lot of travelers save their money by sewing their own protective pocket inside of shorts or pants. We offer to use a sock as a pocket. Watch the step by step tutorial.
Find more brilliant lifehacks you totally should try:
- To freeze your Coke can more effectively when it's too hot just cover the can with a wet tissue
- Turn a tennis ball into a funny key holder
- Place a rubber band on top of a paint can to remove the excess paint from the brush
- Use rubber bands and a plastic container to make a perfect organizer for mascara and lipsticks of different colors
- Prevent your glasses from sliding down from your nose with rubber bands. Watch the tutorial
- Use a comb to remove pills from your favorite sweater
- Cook pancakes using a bottle. Take a plastic bottle and mix ingredients inside

00:41 Lazy noodles
02:22 DIY Secret stash
08:31 Use a bottle to cook pancakes
09:11 Surprising uses of old socks
13:57 Bouquet from socks

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