Check out how to remove different stains from your clothes. You don't have to buy expensive cleaners. You will find stain-removal hacks using common ingredients you already have at home. You can easily make your old bra white again. You will need boric acid. Soak a bra in the mix of boric acid and water for two hours. Ready!
If a t-shirt lost its color, add 2 tablespoons into washing powder. Wash as usual. Shoes tend to smell really bad especially if it's hot outside. If your shoes smell very bad, put them a plastic bag and place into freezer. The problem is solved!
Foundation stains are a real disaster, especially for white t-shirts. Moreover, these stains usually appear in the most inappropriate moment. Don't panic, we are ready to help you! Cover the stain with shaving foam and clean using a toothbrush. After that wash as usual.
Have you ever faced the situation when you are talking on the phone with a friend and accidentally scorched the clothes? Use peroxide to remove iron marks. Watch our tutorial!
A prickly sweater may drive you insane but we know how to soften wool. Soak your sweater in the mix of water and hair conditioner.
Check out how to get rid of such stains as coffee, red wine, lipstick and ketchup stains. Red wine stains are not a problem anymore! Cover the stain with salt and after that poor boiled water on it. After that, wash as usual. Watch our video on how to remove ketchup from clothing with the help of soda, detergent, and vinegar. Do not worry if you have spilled coffee on your favorite t-shirt, use vinegar, soda, and a toothbrush to remove stubborn stains.
00:33 If a t-shirt lost color
01:53 Shaving foam for foundation stains
02:44 What to do with an itchy sweater
03:32 Forget about coffee stains
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