Find out perfect ideas on how to escape awkward situations:
- We know a perfect idea of how to stop a hangover. Eat an orange in the morning and eat an orange. It will help you to stay hydrated. Moreover, vitamin C accelerates metabolism and you will feel much better
- Drink a glass of water with lemon if you have eaten too much. Lemon water makes your digestive system work faster
- It's a real disaster to hit your little toe because it's so painful! Switch the led and make foot massage. This action redirects brain attention
- We know a perfect trick for high blood pressure – press on the tip of the middle finger. This first aid trick when you don't have medications
- If you have burnt your tongue, put sugar on your tongue
- Eat almonds when you have a headache. Eating 10-12 almonds is the same as taking 2 aspirin
- Eat bananas when you have cramps. The reason is that bananas are full of potassium and vitamin B6 that reduce muscle cramps
- Go for a walk if you are stressed. Physical activity reduces the level of stress
- Peppermint tea is perfect for toothache. Peppermint has a pain-relieving effect
- Check out helpful workouts for back pain. Don't forget about these exercises when you are working at the desk
- Eat a piece of dark chocolate to soothe a sore throat
- The quickest way to reduce stress level is to suck your thumb. Sounds weird but it really works! This habit comes from childhood and works perfectly.
- A full bladder is a real disaster especially if you are in a very important meeting or talk with a person and can't stop. Remember that you shouldn't cross your legs or press the lower part of your stomach

00:09 Best hangover treatment
02:06 Sugar for burnt tongue
02:23 Almonds for a hangover
06:19 Vertigo treatment
06:48 Quick way to relieve stress

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