Mango is truly the king of fruits and a lot of people adore this fruit. Moreover, mango is has a lot of benefits for your health, for example, it is full of antioxidants that prevent the appearance of cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses. Eating mangoes will help you to boost immunity, it clears the skin, improves eye health and improves digestion. Mango is full of vitamin A that helps to fight infections during flu period. Besides, you can prepare super-delicious desserts and smoothies from mango.
The biggest mango problem is that everything becomes sticky around you and you also when you eat them. That's why it's important to know how the easiest ways how to cut and peel mangoes. Besides, you will learn an easy trick on how to choose a perfect mango fruit. To choose a perfect mango, you will need a bowl with water. Place mangoes inside and the ripe one won't sink.
Healthy eaters and those people who prefer low-calorie desserts will adore the mango roll-ups. Preheat oven to 155 Degrees F. Make mango puree, take a baking tray, cover it with a cookie sheet and spread evenly mango puree with a spatula. Bake for 7 hours.
Follow our easy tutorial on how to cut and peel a mango. Mangoes have a large and flat pit in the middle and you need to make two slices on either side of the pit. Now you have two halves with flesh, use the knife to make squares as we show in our tutorial. Next, take a glass and place the edge of the mango half against the lip of a glass and slide it down. Because the mango flesh is very soft, the glass can slide through it and separate the skin relatively pain-free.

00:09 How to cut a mango
00:50 Mango roll-ups
01:19 Homemade mango ice-cream
01:43 Mango roses

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