REBECCA’S DOING A GIVEAWAY! (Watch For Details On How To Win) ─ Clicknetwork

Hey guys it's Rebecca! I'm decluttering and reboxing a bunch of my personal belongings for a giveaway to one lucky winner! Here's how you can win my boxes:
1) Head to my listing at or just search my User ID @rebeccatan_ on the Carousell app

2) Comment there on why you want to win & I'll pick my favourite as the winner!

I'll personally hand over my boxes to the winner in the next episode of Hack It, plus we will be doing a surprise activity together!

[Contest ends 2nd November 2019]

These are the items going into my boxes for the winner:
1) My old favourite pair of G-Star jeans that I've grown out of
2) A brand new Kindle Paperwhite
3) Notebooks - one of which is the last remaining BOOM design that I personally DIY-ed a long time ago for my online store Tandem! I didn't put it up for sale because there was a tiiiiny blemish on it, but it still looks good and it's brand new!
4) A collection of beautiful tote bags I've collected over the years
5) Mason jars that I use these to store food but I have way too many at home!
6) Metal straw with cleaning brush set. I got this from an event but I already have one, so I'm sure someone else could use this.
7) Coasters (another free gift I got) but I have many coasters already, so I'm sure someone else will need these more than me!

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