Genius Instagram hacks that make posts go viral

Did you know that when you add a small drop of water on your phone camera it becomes a microlens. – you can automatically take zoomed-in detailed pictures of anything.
I give you some panorama photo ideas. For starters, you can take a photo in front of a mirror looking at the camera and as the panorama photo begins to move you can then switch and look over at the mirror. It will make it seem like your reflection is facing the other way.
If you're out and about, you can find a step, place your phone down with your camera facing you, you can then stand on the step and give the illusion that your phone is underwater or underground.
Another slow-motion video you can take is to fill your umbrella with rose pedals and keep it closed upside down, when the phone starts filming, simply flip your umbrella upside down, open it and then the rose petals will slowly start falling.
A brilliant photography trick you can try on social media is to take a plain lightbulb with you when the sun is about to set. Then, place a lightbulb in front of the sunset and snap the photo. It will make it look like the bulb just powered the whole sun.

0:34 – Amazing slow-motion video trick
1:47 – Brilliant sunset photography
2:54 – Waterdrops photography experiment
3:54 – Changing outfit illusion
5:16 – Amazing filming trick
6:28 – Video illusion ideas
8:03 – Dancing outside the car trend

#photography #socialmedia #instagram


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