Art is an amazing way to express ourselves. Even if you aren't a professional artist creating something out of scratch allows you to unleash your creativity and maybe decorate your home. It's a win-win.
An amazing way to paint an abstract flower for your living room is to take some acrylic paint and add it in little blobs in a circle on your canvas. Then, layer different colors inside each blob and finally squish them with a paper towel before they dry. Remove the paper towel and voila.
Another thing you can try for decorative painting is to layer various colors below each other and before they dry use a fork to give them a wavy shape.
The most creative part of the whole process is that you get to use everyday items to make your paintings. You can use bathroom sponges to give your painting some texture. The point is to have some fun. You can add some elastic bands on a pencil and then attach a CD on them. Then you add some runny paint on the disk and you swirl it around. It will create a beautiful paint splatter painting.

0:08 – Beautiful abstract painting ideas
1:22 – Beautiful fluid art tutorial
2:37 – Amazing splatter painting
4:19 – Satisfying watercolor art
5:37 – How to paint a tree
6:06 – Satisfying marker drawings
7:56 – How to use vegetables in art
9:56 – Amazing notebook decoration tricks
12:23 – Beautiful roses using onions

#art #painting #markers

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