What's your favorite animal? Ok and mine is Stashimal! Aka the best hiding spot ever!

Here's a fun little project to turn a stuffed animal into a great hiding spot for your valuables. its cheap and super fun for both kids and adults. Enjoy! : )
FYI... if you put a glow stick in the jar and then close it, it becomes a really cool night light!

Off with his head!

Take the head off carefully and remove some stuffing.

Get the jar in there with a layer of stuffing around it so the stuffed animal keeps its shape!

Slowly hot glue the edge of the fabric just under the threads of your jar, (push the stuffing down just a bit to make the fabric easier to glue).

Hold the jar until glue dries down.

You can do this with the lid attached to the toy body or not. I prefer it to be on the jar so that teddy bears head is facing the correct way.

Glue the head onto the lid with the glue being just above the ridge of the lid to completely sink it into the head, and attach the head in the same fashion you did the body. After the head is glued on, make sure the glue held snugly and tight (you will be twisting this part on and off).

After all the glue dries you will have your very own Stashimal. now your ready to hide whatever it is you desire!


0:22 Off with his head!
3:14 These boots are made for walking!
8:30 Hot bubble bath
12:23 It's travel time!
17:11 Violet hair

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