I will admit I am a total pack rat when it comes to keeping items destined for the trash bin that I believe can be used for cleaning products. Rarely if ever will I throw away a textile after it is no longer wanted for its intended purpose.

An old bed sheet? That could be used as a drop cloth for bike maintenance or painting. Old t-shirts? Great rags for cleaning your bike or other nasty spills around the house. An old sock? At all times my bikes have at least one sock tied somewhere for use as a "glove" for on road maintenance so I do not get my hands dirty.

I can state for a fact that never in my life have I thrown away a toothbrush after it has served its intended purpose. Right now I could go to the storage area under my kitchen sink and there will be at least 10 old toothbrushes in an old plastic Q-Tip box.

The electric toothbrush revolution did not stop me either. I have used my old Oral-B brushes, attached to the unit, to clean the grout on tiles floors or in my shower for example. I have used regular toothbrushes for bike cleaning before! And this time I wanna show you how it's done!


0:30 How to clean bicycle chain
1:59 Reusable ice
3:38 Key copy
7:34 Tennis balls massager

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