How to wrap presents beautifully? We ask ourselves this question every now and then. And it often happens that we ask it too late. And start wrapping gifts clumsily in a rush. So if you want to be prepared and treat your beloved ones with beautiful presents, better begin practicing in advance. So when the time suddenly comes, you'll be able to wrap it up with your eyes closed! ; )

You're gonna love these decoration ideas for your presents! With these tricks you can turn any gift to a work of art, real masterpiece!
Creative gift-wrapping ideas, heart-shaped envelope, ways to wrap different shapes of gifts, making bowknots, surprise balloon wrapping and many more great hacks are waiting for you!
Here are some DIY gifts everyone will love! Insanely creative ways to fold cash and make money an elegant and thoughtful present! Also there are plenty of great ways to male gift boxes and present envelopes; you totally should give them a try!

This time I wanna show you many great ideas, but my favorite is Sock bouquet right now!
A baby sock rose bouquet is a beautiful and perfect gift for an expectant mother at her baby shower or for a new mother while she is still in the hospital. It can almost look like a real rose bouquet, and it will last a lot longer! (Until the mother needs the baby socks! : )

A baby sock rose bouquet is a wonderful baby shower gift, and EVERYONE at the shower is sure to comment on how beautiful it is!
If you are hostess of a baby shower, make a baby-sock bouquet to use as your centerpiece. It will be an eye-catching decoration, and it can double as a gift as well.
These rose bouquets are simple to make, but they do require a little bit of time. Each rose can take from 5-10 minutes to make (except for the first one you make - that one always takes A LOT longer!) But once you get the hang of it, these roses are fairly easy to make!


1:22 Beautiful bubble print
2:40 Cash pizza
4:51 Franklin heart
13:01 Lavender flowers

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