DIY Wooden Mat ─ BuzzFeed Nifty

Here is what you'll need!

DIY Wooden Rope Mat

15 wooden balusters (2 x 2 x 18 inches) or (5 x 5 x 46 centimeters)
¾-inch drill bit
¼-inch thick sisal rope
Box cutter
Wood stain (optional)
Paintbrush (optional)

1. Mark 1 inch (2½ cm) in from both ends of each wood baluster.
2. Drill a hole in both ends of each wood baluster using a ¾-inch drill bit.
3. Sand ends and any rough edges.
4. Paint or stain (optional). Let dry fully.
5. Line up all wood balusters in a row with holes facing each other.
6. Using a box cutter, cut two long pieces of rope (twice as long as all of the wood balusters lined up).
7. Wrap a piece of tape around the ends of the rope to make it easier to thread through the holes.
8. Thread the rope through the wood balusters, tying knots on the outsides and between each one.
9. When finished knotting, remove tape from ends of rope.

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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

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