Magic Faucet Fountain ─ BuzzFeed Nifty

Here is what you'll need!


Waterproof container or small bucket
Small fountain pump
Circle saw drill attachment
Epoxy Putty
14-inch / 35-centimeter clear plastic tube
Small faucet
River rocks

1. Drill a pilot hole in the bottom of the bucket or container. 2.Widen the hole with a circle saw attachment to accommodate an electric socket.
3. Place the small pump in the bucket, and pull the cord through.
4. Knead a small amount of epoxy putty to activate it. Plug the hole inside and out. Be sure the seal is watertight!
5. Glue a small faucet to the top of a clear plastic tube with industrial strength glue. Glue to the side of the faucet leaving the top open. You may also use epoxy putty as well. Just be sure to leave enough space on the top so water can flow free on either side of the tube. Let dry completely.
6. Place the plastic tube in the pump, and brace the sides with river rocks so it stands upright.
7. Fill with water to fully submerge the pump. Turn on, and check to see if the water makes its way up the tube and down the sides. If the pump is too strong, and water sprays out the top, you may reduce the flow by taping over half the tube and replacing.
8. Decorate you enchanted fountain with plants and fairy miniatures if desired. Enjoy the visual effect!

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Wide Eyed Wonder
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

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