Rainbow Mason Jars ─ BuzzFeed Nifty

Here is what you'll need!

Rainbow Mason Jars

Decoupage glue
Gel food coloring
Wooden craft sticks/ wooden coffee stir
Mason jar

1. In a small container combine 2 tablespoons of decoupage glue, gel food coloring, 2-3 drops of water and glitter. Create a variety of colors.
2. Using a wooden craft sticks carefully line the inside of a mason jar with your decoupage mixture. Blend the colors together to create a rainbow or color individual jars.
3. Create an “X’ using two craft sticks and place it over a small cup. Place the coated mason jar upside down over the craft sticks.
4. Let the excess decoupage mixture drip out. Set aside and let drip for 5 minutes.
5. Bake the mason jar in a 170°F (77°C) oven for 20-30 minutes or until the decoupage has become clear.
6. Let the mason jar cool before removing.

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Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/...

Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

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